Trump Gives 25% of Students PTSD

If you have military veterans in your family; if you are a veteran yourself, then what researchers are now saying about how President Trump is making college kids feel won't sit well with you.

Researchers at Arizona State say 25% of the students they talked to have had some sort of PTSD symptoms since Trump took office. Shannon Walker with Northwest Battle Buddies finds service dogs with vets that have PTSD tells KTRH this study bothers her in a big way.

"To be making huge claims and putting yourself in a category with people who have truly sacrificed; I just shake my head a little bit and move on," Walker said.

And says everyone she knows that suffers from PTSD has one thing in common."We provide service dogs to veterans with PTSD. All of them just want to fly under the radar," she explained, adding that the suffering of anyone who has PTSD is life changing, and that this study is just politics.

(KTRH / Pulse Networks)

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