On Tuesday, May 15th, Omaha voters will have more to decide than just primary races -- this will be the vote on phase 2 of the Omaha Public Schools bond. In 2014, voters approved $421 million in bond for OPS. Now, the anticipated second step in this process comes with a price tag of $410 million.
This morning, from 9 to 11 a.m., you heard arguments both for and against this issue.
CLICK HERE to listen to Doug Kagan with Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom's reasons why you should vote NO on the OPS bond.
CLICK HERE for OPS Superintendent Mark Evans' and Omaha School Board President Marque Snow's argument why you should vote YES.
I hope you'll be an informed and educated voter, and consider both sides of this important issue as we lay it out for you on NewsRadio 1110 KFAB!