Nebraska Senators pen letter to Big Ten Commissioner to reinstate sports

Nebraska State Senators are joining other state leaders in calling on the Big Ten Commissioner to reinstate the fall sports season.

Wednesday afternoon, Senator Julie Slama submitted a letter to Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren and the Big Ten Council of Presidents and Chancellors. The letter urges the conference to reconsider its cancellation of the fall sports season.

The letter was signed by 28 Nebraska state senators, a bipartisan group representing a majority of the 49 member Nebraska Legislature.

Slama commented on the letter, “The Big Ten’s cancellation of fall sports has been devastating for our student-athletes, athletic department, and local businesses. Other conferences have shown that football and other fall sports can be conducted safely. We’re asking the Big Ten to reconsider its decision in a more transparent manner.”

Nebraska's letter comes one day after lawmakers from six states, (Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin), also called for the Big Ten Conference to reconsider its cancellation of fall sports.

The entire letter can be read below:

Commissioner Warren,
We are writing you today to urge the Big Ten Conference to transparently reconsider its decision to cancel the fall football season.
Other major conferences have proven over recent weeks that football and other fall sports can be conducted safely. Big Ten athletic programs have led the way for player safety by ensuring student athletes have access to regular testing and are under tight physical distancing controls. Five weeks ago, conference leaders released updated and enhanced testing, quarantine, and isolation policies. These efforts have been successful at preventing the spread of COVID-19, yet the conference disregarded this success by canceling the fall season anyway.
The University of Nebraska’s student athletes, coaches, and administrators have overwhelmingly expressed support of a fall sports season. The Big Ten Conference’s fall sports cancellation, especially while other major conferences have successfully prepared to return to action, placed our student athletes at a disadvantage to their peers on and off the playing field. Big Ten member institutions also stand to lose hundreds of millions of dollars that support vital student scholarships and programs.
Safely returning to play this fall has support from players, parents, coaches, and fans in the state of Nebraska. Therefore, we respectfully ask that you reconsider your decision and work with our university leaders to allow sports to resume this fall.

The letter was signed by the following Nebraska State Senators:

  • Joni Albrecht
  • John Arch
  • Bruce Bostelman
  • Tom Brewer
  • Tom Briese
  • Robert Clements
  • Myron Dorn
  • Curt Friesen
  • Suzanne Geist
  • Tim Gragert
  • Mike Groene
  • Steve Halloran
  • Ben Hansen
  • Mike Hilgers
  • Dan Hughes
  • Andrew La Grone
  • Brett Lindstrom
  • Lou Ann Linehan
  • John Lowe
  • Mike McDonnell
  • Mike Moser
  • Dave Murman
  • Jim Scheer
  • Julie Slama
  • John Stinner
  • Justin Wayne
  • Matt Williams
  • Anna Wishart

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