2020 Nebraska "More Than Pink" Walk Will Be A Virtual Affair

"Susan G. Komen Great Plains" urges participants to walk where they are: their neighborhood, a local park or another safe location on Sunday, Oct. 11th, 2020 and tune in at 2:00 p.m. for a virtual Facebook Live opening ceremony on the "Komen Great Plains" Facebook page;

“As an organization dedicated to saving lives, it is so important to protect the health of our participants, many of whom are breast cancer survivors or are currently in treatment for the disease.

Therefore, we will leverage technology this year to ensure we can walk together, even if we can’t physically be together, because breast cancer is not cancelled,” said Melissa Baron, Interim Executive Director, of "Komen Great Plains. "

The "More Than Pink" Walk helps fund Komen’s breast cancer research and patient support efforts.

The event provides all those touched by breast cancer a sense of being a part of a large compassionate community committed to making a difference in the fight against breast cancer.

“We believe we can preserve the sense of community through this new virtual fundraising walk, even if we will not be walking side by side,” added Baron.

“The benefit of this new virtual experience is that people who previously couldn’t attend in-person due to their health or scheduling conflicts, will now be able to participate and be part of the community of hope.”

There is no fee to register for the virtual fundraising event this year. Anyone who registers as a survivor or as living with metastatic breast cancer will receive a t-shirt at no cost.

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