Junk Continues To Pile Up At Omaha Recycling Site

The junk continues to pile up at an Omaha recycling drop-off site and people are getting tired of seeing it.

The problem first surfaced at 75th and Maple Street a month ago, but some say it has gotten worse. “This is the second time this has happened to me,” Joe Fortina told 6 News. “I come down here and there’s no place to dispose of my recyclables, so I just go back home and wait for another day.”

A few empty bins were brought in Monday morning amid the the mess. Everything from underwear to chairs piling up along with an overflow of cardboard and containers.

‘I’ve never seen it like this,” Jonathan Murphy told 6 News. “I don’t know if it’s that we’re not picking up as often as we need to".

The City said a few weeks ago they would get more bins to the site as well as have police patrol for illegal dumping. The city says the pandemic is likely making the situation worse. Curbside pickup has been delayed a handful of times as Waste Management struggles with staff shortages.

“They could probably fill up several more dumpsters with just stuff that’s laying on the parking lot,” Fortina says

This week the city moves to every-other-week curbside pickup, meaning more people will likely be doing their own dropping off.

“I’m slightly encouraged hoping more people are recycling,” Murphy says, “But even if that’s the case we need more pick-ups and more bins.”

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