November Streaming Recommendations

New month, new streaming titles on your favorite platforms! Plus, Disney+ debuts November 12th. We'll cover that in greater detail when the launch date gets closer. But for now, we'll focus on the big three streamers...Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.

Starting with Netflix. Great comedies like Step Brothers and Zombieland are new to Netflix. Step Brothers, the Will Ferrell classic is somehow an all-time classic and underrated. Zombieland the 2009 comedy whose sequel "Double Tap" is in theaters now. If you're looking for a laugh, I suggest watching those items.

For more dramatic flair, I'd go with Drive. Ryan Gosling stars in the 2011 drama/action movie that turns on a dime halfway through and becomes a super cool revenge thriller.

But the major coup for Netflix in November is The Irishman. Launching November 27th, the three and a half hour epic stars Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci. The story of the man who claims to have killed Jimmy Hoffa is directed by Martin Scorcese. It is garnering almost universal acclaim, and is expected to be nominated for a ton of awards. It is my single most anticipated movie of the fall.

CLICK HERE for the full list of titles coming to Netflix in November.

Turning our attention to Hulu, they have a couple of the Terminator sequels (that have been ret-conned by the newest movie), some of the lesser Freddy Krueger sequels (even when they're bad, they're fun), but the two biggest titles coming to Hulu in November are Creed 2 and Booksmart.

Creed 2 stars Michael B. Jordan as the son of Apollo Creed training to become a boxer trained by none other than Rocky Balboa. The original Creed was a surprisingly great film. The second one is more of a retread of Rocky IV, featuring Ivan Drago and his son facing off against Creed. It's worth a watch, but it's nowhere near as good as the original.

Booksmart is the best comedy of 2019. It stars Beanie Feldstein (Jonah Hill's sister) and Kaitlyn Dever. It's essentially a female-centric version of Superbad. It's smart, real, and hilarious. I adore this movie!

CLICK HERE for the full list of titles coming to Hulu in November.

Amazon Prime touts quite a few James Bond movies in November. They'll also be given Creed 2. For the daring viewer, might I suggest The Fanatic? The Fred Durst directed story of John Travolta as an obsessed movie fan with a mental handicap is one of the worst movies of the year. It's a lot like a train wreck, you can not take your eyes off of it.

CLICK HERE for the full list of titles coming to Amazon Prime in November.

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