Trial Date Set For Bailey Boswell

A trial date has been set for Bailey Boswell, one of two people accused of killing 24-year-old Sydney Loofe.

Boswell will stand trial for first-degree murder beginning on October 15, with the state saying they will seek the death penalty against Boswell. If Boswell is found guilty, she would be the only woman on Nebraska's death row.

Boswell, along with Aubrey Trail, is accused of killing Loofe in 2017. Trail is set to stand trial for first-degree murder in July.

Court records show that in July 2017, Trail and Boswell started to “promote or facilitate the commission of first-degree murder.” The documents state Boswell “solicited young females through social networking sites,” and the two eventually “selected a victim to murder.” The two then purchased the tools used to kill Loofe, and disposed of her body sometime between Nov. 15 and December 4, 2017.

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