The midterm election is over and now the thousands of campaign yard signs you drive past on a daily basis need to go somewhere. So someone in Omaha is volunteering for the job.
Craig Moody is the co-founder of Verdis Group, a local energy sustainability firm, and he is welcoming anyone with election signs to bring them to his front yard.
As soon as the results became final Tuesday, Moody set out recycling bins in front of his home for people to ditch their signs. The soft plastics and scrap metals have been piling up in the green bins ever since.
Moody tells 6 News that these items need to be refurbished or recycled, not end up in landfills. "If I can, or if we can, in some small way remind people that there are a lot out there. Most of them are probably going to the landfill and there are much better alternatives."