An excessive force investigation is underway at the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution.
TSCI Warden Brad Hansen sasy on Thursday, a staff member was suspended pending an investigation into the suspected use of excessive force. “Force was necessary in the incident as the inmate was combative and aggressive. We are looking into whether the level of force used was appropriate.”
Upon review of reports and video, it was determined an investigation was necessary, with further review indicating the need to suspend a second staff member.
Chief of Operations for the Nebraska Departent of Corrections, Diane Sabatka-Rine, says force is sometimes necessary, but any misuse will not be tolerated. “Our team members are trained in the appropriate use of force and expected to use the least amount of force necessary to gain or maintain control. Corrections staff members must be measured in their use of force and must demonstrate integrity in their use of control tactics. Any misuse of authority is not acceptable.”
The matter is under internal review and has been referred to the Nebraska State Patrol for investigation.