City Council Weighing Annexation Options

The City of Omaha is planning to expand its borders and scoop up thousands of Douglas county residents in the process. 

The city's growth plan would put Omaha's population in the top 40 biggest cities in the United States, but some city council members don't agree with all of Mayor Stothert's plan. 

The plan for city growth will push Omaha's population into one of the top 40 largest cities in the United States. Twelve districts,including the Miracle Hills Golf Course, are included in the planned annexation, and that's something the owners of the course don't want. 

Sean Kelly, the attorney for the golf course, says that the owners may want to develop the area in the future. "Part of the property owners vision would be financing through a sanitary improvement district so that's the long-term goal and the primary reason we're hearing today opposed to this annexation an annexation would take that financial tool off the table."

Other district residents say they want out of the annexation package because their homes are agricultural land and eligible for green belt status. Many residents have said they'll pay more in taxes, but what get much in return from the city, those residents are asking to be exempt from the annexation plan.

A vote on whether or not the city will go forward with the annexation will occur at the next city council meeting on Tuesday, August 14th.

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