Nebraska State Senator introduces amendments to election laws

Julie Slama

(Lincoln, NE) -- A Nebraska State Senator is introducing legislation that would make major changes to the way elections are handled in the state.

On Thursday, District 1 State Senator Julie Slama introduced one bill and one constitutional amendment. According to a release, LB 76 would turn Nebraska into a winner-take-all state for Electoral College votes. LR3CA would allow Nebraska’s voters to decide if a photo identification should be required to vote.

Senator Slama commented on the bills, “LB76 and LR3CA will improve our current election statutes. LB76 will end the practice of gerrymandering in our state for Electoral College votes and give all Nebraska voters a say in how our five Electoral College votes should be distributed. LR3CA will give Nebraskans the opportunity to join 35 other states requiring an identification to vote and provide another layer of security for our elections. I look forward to working with my colleagues on these common-sense measures.”

(Photo by the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature)

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