Bellevue Police Officers Switch To Load-Bearing Vests

The Bellevue Police Department is making a change in how officers carry their equipment. Lt. Jay Kirwan tells 6 news load-bearing vests are a safe and healthier alternative to the traditional duty belt where tools are carried.

"It frees up the lower body to move. Even running, stair and climbing over things, I feel like it frees up the lower body and gives you more movement."

By carrying their tools on their chest, it relieves back or hip pain. "The biggest thing is comfort. I don't have things poking me in the back where normally there would be handcuffs, batons, radios back there," officer Jim Severn told 6 News.

The vests cost about $400 each, but the city doesn't cover that cost. Officers have to pay for them out of their own pockets and a majority of the officers are choosing to wear them.

(Photo: 6 News)

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