Bellevue Boy To Become Honorary Police Officer

One Bellevue boy is getting his dream come true as becomes an honorary police officer.

For his whole life, six year old Leevi Johnson has wanted to be a cop. Leevi was born with a slew of health complications, including three holes in his heart and deafness in one ear. Despite the challenges that life has thrown at him, he still wants to be a police officer when he grows up. thankfully for Leevi though, he doesn't have to wait that long, as he will be sworn in as an honorary Bellevue police officer on Friday.

Officers in Bellevue met Leevi in December during a shop with a cop event, that meeting coming right before Leevi went in for yet another stint at Children's Hospital. During his stay in Omaha, officers with the Omaha Police Department got to spend time with the precocious six year old. Then, they found out about Leevi's desire to be a cop and his want to collect police patches and coins.

Roger Cox with the Bellevue Police Department tells KFAB News that along with being sworn in as an honorary officer, Leevi will also be receiving a special gift from fellow officers. "About three weeks ago we posted out on our Twitter account and told his story and asked agencies from around the world if they wouldn't mind dropping us a patch."

At the swearing-in ceremony, Cox says Leevi will get to open up all of those packages from his fellow officers. "Every state is represented, I see some packages from France. I see some packages from Canada. So this is definitely an international effort."

Cox says they haven't opened any of the packages yet, because they want to see the reaction on Leevi's face as they all open the packages together, for the first time. "It has definitely gotten a huge reach and I think he will be very pleased when he comes in and sees all the generosity from police agencies all across the world."

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