Scouting For Food Drive Begins This Weekend

In an effort to feed needy people in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa, local boy scouts are preparing to collect food door-to-door.

On Saturday, April 7 scouts will leave door hangers in metro area neighborhoods as part of the Scouting For Food Drive.  Residents are asked to fill bags with non-perishable food items and leave them by the door for scouts to collect when they return on April 14th.   Everything collected will go to Food Bank For The Heartland.

Some of the items that are needed include canned chicken and tuna, macaroni and cheese and peanut butter.  The scouts goal this year is to raise enough food for 300,000 meals.

You can also purchase pre-packaged food bags for $5 or $10 from metro area Hy-Vee stores throughout next week.

One in five children in Nebraska and western Iowa live in food insecure homes and don't know where their next meal will come from.  That amounts to 221,000 families in need.

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