Hickman Daycare Provider Cited For Child Abuse

A Hickman daycare provider has been cited for child abuse after a toddler in her care tested positive for marijuana. 

The Lancaster County Sheriff's Department say a two year old female was taken to the Bryan Hospital Emergency Room on Monday after she displayed odd behavior. 

The parents of the toddler said she was lethargic, sleepy and not acting normally. Emergency room staff determined the child had been exposed to THC. 

The levels of THC in the child's system is not known, pending lab tests, but she was admitted for observation. 

An investigation revealed that the child's daycare provider, 31 year old Michelle Nicklas, had baked marijuana brownies over the weekend then used the same pan to bake cookies for her daycare children.

Nicklas' daycare facility is located in her home near Hickman and is licensed by the state of Nebraska. Eight pre-school and two school aged children attend the daycare. 

The parents of children who attend the facility have been encouraged to have their children tested for THC exposure as well. Nicklas has been cited for Child Abuse. 

An investigation into the THC exposure and status of the daycare is ongoing.

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