
Low Interest Energy Loans Available To All Nebraskans

The Nebraska Energy Office is working in conjunction with Nebraska lending institutions to start providing assistance to those impacted by the flooding by offering Dollar and Energy Savings Loans at 1%.

The Nebraska Energy Office will now offer these low interest loans to all Nebraskans to make energy efficient home and farm improvements.Nebraskans not affected by the flooding can participate in this special offer but it is subject to lender approval.

Regarding the Dollar and Energy Savings Loans Program:

Project loan applications are submitted to the residentā€™s local Nebraska lender and the Nebraska Energy Office prior to installation for verification of compliance with program requirements. The project must comply with energy efficiency standards found on the loan application forms.

A sample of eligible energy efficiency home and farm improvements are:

Appliance replacement with efficient models

Heating, cooling, and water heater equipment replacement

Doors, windows and insulation replacement

Foundation walls repaired or replaced and insulated

Roofing replacement

Solar, wind and biomass projects

Irrigation system, grain dryers and other farm efficiency improvements

Broken appliances, heating & cooling equipment, doors and windows qualify for emergency loan processing.Every effort will be made to approve applications within 48 hours.

You will find more information on loan amounts, energy efficiency requirements and loan application forms at the Nebraska Energy Office Dollar and Energy Saving Loans Program webpage here.The 1% loan offer will be effective until July1, 2019 or as funds are available.

For more information on the Dollar and Energy Saving Loans at 1% interest contact:

Aaron Miller,




Jody Johns,



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